Tuesday 26 April 2011

Step Back in Time With Vintage.

Hi Everybody,
Thank you firstly for taking the time to read my vintage blog,if your a follower of vintage fashions then this blog is defiantly going to be your kind of place to visit.I hope so anyway.
Firstly let me tell you about me,i am a vintage retro fanatic,i love the bygone era. In the coming months i will update my blog with  lots and lots of good stuff for you to browse,anything from fashion,recipes,fun stories and everything and anything that relates to vintage or vintage style.

How elegant do these ladies look so composed,so refined such simple styling.Truly wonderful.

Time for the tea dance


Clothing which was produced before the 1920s is classed as antique clothing and clothing from the 1920s to 1980s is considered vintage.
 Retro, or "vintage style" more often than not  refers to clothing that looks like the style of a previous era.
 Reproduction, or retro, clothing is a newly-made garment  of an older style.
Clothing produced more recently is usually called  retro fashion.
Below is an example of a 50's inspired dress,not vintage,but as you can see very much in keeping with the 50's era.                   
Example of a 50's style retro dress

Nowadays it is getting harder and harder to find genuine vintage garments,hence the need for the vintage inspired styling of today.
Our love of vintage just goes on and on,encapsulating a bygone age.
Check out this great little vintage site i found http://etsyvintage.blogspot.com/

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